Ground Source Heat Pumps

At Blue Leaf Energy, our engineers develop GSHP systems to fit specifically to each property. As MCS-accredited installers, we will help you design, install, commission and maintain your system.

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Ground Source Heat Pumps

A GSHP is an energy efficient, renewable energy solution that is particularly suited to properties on larger plots. Up to 400% efficient, this type of heat pump extracts the free heat from the ground, using this for heating and hot water. A GSHP helps to reduce your carbon footprint and can even lower your energy bills. Other benefits include:
• Incredibly efficient, a GSHP transfers around four times more energy into the property as heat than it uses to extract it from the ground
• MCS approved for the Boiler Upgrade Scheme (BUS)
• Well-suited to properties on larger plots
• Ground loop or bore hole installation options
• Virtually silent operation

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How do Ground Source Heat Pumps (GSHP) work?

Where typical central heating systems burn fossil fuels in order to generate heat, GSHPs use electricity to harvest heat from the ground.

A GSHP does this by using a network or pipes – either ground loops or boreholes – that are buried in the ground. These are filled with a refrigerant that gently extract the heat, before passing it through a compressor in the GSHP to increase its temperature. This higher-grade heat energy is then used for heating and hot water.

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Ground Source Heat Pump Costs

When considering a GSHP, cost is always going to be a key consideration. You’ll want to find out more about how much a GSHP costs to install, their running costs and what to expect with maintenance.
A well-designed GSHP will be as much as 4x more efficient than a gas boiler, deliver low running costs and benefit from the Boiler Upgrade Scheme payment – all whilst being cleaner for the environment at the same time.
However, a key restriction to GSHP’s are the amount of space required. We would recommend that around 3x the footprint of the property is available in land for your installation e.g. for a 200m² house, you would need 600m² of land available.
The Boiler Upgrade Scheme provides £7500 towards GSHP installations.

Ground Source Heat Pumps

Looking for more advice?

Just get in touch using the form or contact details below, and a member of the BLE team will be more than happy to help advise you on your project.

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Tel: 0330 222 0307

Blue Leaf Energy Services Ltd
Unit 33
North Tyne Industrial Estate

Newcastle upon Tyne
NE12 9SZ

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